Turning the Tide With Innovation

The United Nations World Oceans Day brings attention to the critical role of our oceans in ensuring planetary balance. This involves recognizing criticalities whilst also celebrating the innovative tools that are being developed to achieve the sustainable management of the blue planet. Emphasizing innovation can help turn the tide on marine ecosystem destruction and help […]

Ships in Troubled Waters: Predicting the Spread of Oil Spills

From Beirut, Lebanon, to Mauritius the sea is crossed by ships carrying materials that, if released into the ocean, are a menace for human beings and the marine environment. Satellites, data, and advanced modelling can help deal with these potential disasters. Scientific research and innovation are critical to predicting the movement and pervasiveness of oil […]

MYSEA Torre Guaceto

The MYSEA specific objective is the creation of a “Puglia Marine Observatory” for the protection of Caretta caretta turtles. General aims Protection of biodiversity Decrease of the Impact of Fishing on Sea Turtles; Decrease of the Post-release mortality; Software development for the Identification of sub-areas most frequented by turtles. Identification and protection of nesting areas; […]

Environmentally-responsible nautics and related services

Trainings were held during November in two marinas, Strožanac and Spinut. Because of situation caused Covid-19 virus, trainings were in two circles. Ranko Milić, M.Sc.E.E prepared PowerPoint presentation according to Curriculum “Environmentally Responsible nautical tourism and related services” Two-days trainings were held in PŠD “Špinut” 13th and16th November (9 participants) and 26th and 27th November […]

Ocean and cryosphere: from global warming to viable solutions

The benefits derived from addressing climate change will be greater in so much as efforts are undertaken in a timely and ambitious manner, with initiatives that are integrated, multidisciplinary and able to focus on long-term horizons. The latest IPCC Special Report delivers a crystal-clear and direct message, bringing together more than 100 scientists and experts […]

The Hurricane Lorenzo fingerprint on the ocean

The CMCC global ocean forecast system shows the path of Lorenzo before landfall on the Azores Archipelago while the downscaled high-resolution coastal model highlights possible sea level extreme events in Corvo and Flores Islands. Tropical cyclones are low pressure systems, developing over tropical warm ocean waters, have organized convection and an associated intense cyclonic surface wind circulation. […]