Enhance Climate Change Adaptation and Coastal Resilience

SEArica event on the capitalisation on EU project results and regional initiatives

Hosted by MEP Catherine Chabaud, SEArica Vice-Chair for Climate & Governance. Organised with the support of the Interreg Italy-Croatia AdriaClim project and of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions.

The EU needs to quickly modify its policies and actions to put in place adaptation measures, considering both the short-term emergency situations and the long-term objective of building a climate resilient Europe. Maritime regions play an important role in this context as they experience the effects of climate change on their territory and contribute to the design and implementation of both place-based and evidence-based strategies. This SEArica event represents a timely opportunity to discuss about the comprehensiveness of the National Adaptation Strategies and Plans with respect to the needs identified by territorial stakeholders and showcase with concrete examples from different sea-basins the added value of regional authorities and territorial cooperation dynamics.

Registrations: CLICK HERE


Feb 28 2023


2:00 pm - 5:00 pm